We cannot forever be a movement of people with different goals, on separate tracks:
- TZM? it’s about a spiritual shift in consciousness, human unity and oneness.
- Oh it’s about the circular city, the water channels, and the mag levs, and the central hub, abundance and no work.
- Oh it’s about anarchy and total decentralized, lack of government, tribal, agrarian Earth living.
- Oh no it’s about abolishing money and gettin off money, stop using it, gift/share economy…
- Or, it’s about transitional communities, we need to “build it now”, obsolete the system..
- Or, no it’s really about Science and Skepticism, just scientific consensus, peer review and test everything.
- Or, this is a social movement, it’s a Civil Rights movement, civil disobedience, critical mass…
- Etc. etc.
In case the direction and basis of the Movement has become lost over time, here are some of the defining concepts and premises…
TZM Core Principles
Sustainability – establishing a sustainable civilization; global sustainability
Holistic/Structuralist/Systems Thinking & Change – Rethinking Civilization
Radical Change – we need a paradigm shift, “revolutionary” change to society is needed.
Promoting a Scientific World View – emergence, aligning with nature & reality
Using our Science & Technology wisely – humanely, sanely; for the purpose of human well being & sustainability.
Global Cooperation – that it’s too our mutual benefit, symbiotically, to share resources and ideas. The market claims to do this, but is poor at it.
Reducing Suffering – Unrealized potentials in society can end things like poverty/inequality, and by extension slavery, and war…the ultimate mover of morality and rationality is the reduction of suffering.
Universal Access – we advocate working towards systems of universal access, localization of production, use-share arrangements, especially through the application of AI, to dedicate systems to providing resources freely to the public. Autonomous, yet integrated.
That we are not classes and races, but humans, sharing one planet, as one interdependent species.
That resources are not necessarily scarce, but an issue with how we “manage” society and resources.
That human nature is not helplessly “flawed” for greed, corruption, and bigotry; but is adaptable.
That we are flawed, emotional creatures, and in knowing that we must plan for it by “designing” society.
The idea that we can alter human behavior by improving the social condition.
That progress and society need not be coerced and forced, but “enabled/allowed” to flourish, through proper system.
That problems with our economic system itself lie at the root of our problems. Exposing the contradictions of the current system.
Addressing Socioeconomic Inequality as the root source of many compounding social problems like violence, crime, addiction, bigotry, and injustice.
Detach Society from Market forces – that we work to detach markets from the basic functions of society, ie: food/energy, governance, media, health, education, etc. Financial interests seeking profit and power pervert our human institutions. We cannot run an honest society otherwise.
A Train of Thought – principles and world views for a sustainable society; an “implication” for society, a direction society needs to move in.
Providing an Ideological & Methodological (conceptual) Framework – to serve as a logically consistent set of fundamental principles to inform the basis of civilization.
Developing a true “next stage” model to replace Capitalism with.
Independent/free thinking, yet harnessing of shared interest towards common ends.
Awareness Focused: about the spreading of ideas; discourse, “building understanding”. Ideas give form to reality and our rate of progress is dependent upon the level of understanding of the great majority.
A Platform for Unified Activism. A “unifying body” in a world of endless fragmentation and special interest causes.
A Social Movement – aside from being an intellectual community, we physically meet up, have events to engage society, and foster a sense of communal connection. The movement also exists as a vehicle for Civil Disobedience, to pressure structural changes to society.
Cultural Revolution – unless there is a cultural enlightenment in tandem with radical structural change, it’s meaningless; we’ll just have lazy, selfish people, engaging society and each other in immature ways. TZM is a cultural program to change minds on an individual level, while also working to change society on a structural level. We must become free and sane thinkers/actors (Healthy Humans).
Transitional – inclusive to all viable routes for change in addition to the core movement focus on culture and awareness, to bridge this larger vision from where we are now…
- Communities – off grid, to make/take change and obsolete the system, demonstrate new model
- Technical Development – localizing infrastructure, 3d printing, zero marginal cost businesses, AI, mesh networks
- Collaborative Input Systems – we need things like open source and collaborative design
- Use-Share Libraries, Time Banks, Mutual Aid, Co-Ops – parallel infrastructure of resources
- Public Libraries – as a resource; networking data on climate and technical (redesign) potentials, and as a meeting ground for ideas and discourse, and activism.
- Using the Political/legal structure to implement “Structural” Change, ie: UBI, univ. healthcare, sustainability mandates, nationalizing infrastructure, etc.
- Public Banking – to fund clean energy, infrastructure projects, provide aid to suffering population